Medical Needling Therapy

Medical needling therapy is a regenerative method used to improve skin structure. Very fine needles stimulate the skin to renew, without any significant damage to the skin. These Fine incisions can extend up to 50% of the skin surface without causing scars. The skin will immediately stimulate collagen and elastin and reduce scars and pigmentation. Significantly proven to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles.

Video 1

Medical Needling Treatment

Video 2

Medical Needling Treatment

Video 3

Medical Needling Treatment

Video 4

Medical Needling Treatment

About Medical Needling

Medical Skin Needling is also known as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT) and Micro-Needling. This proceedure stimulates the body's own collagen to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, sagging skin, acne scars, stretch marks and hair growth (alopecia).

A sterile cartridge of varying length needles, arranged in a circle at the end of a device, will create many microscopic channels into the skin. The trauma encourages the body to produce new collagen and elastin which generates new skin cells to repair itself. The skin becomes thicker, plumper and more youthful. Studies show that medical needling with Minoxidil is an effective testament for baldness.

The procedure is well tolerated and in some cases virtually painless; feeling like a mild prickly sensation. A topical anaesthetic will be applied prior to treatment to reduce pain or discomfort.

Medical Needling is good for:
  • Collagen production
  • Elastin production
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Creepy Skin
  • Acne Scars
  • Scars
  • Stretch marks
  • Alopecia
  • Pigmentation
  • Sun Spots
  • Plumping and volumizing
Post Treatment

The skin will be red and warm, like a sunburn, and possible bruising in some areas for 24 hours. Flaking of the skin for 1-2 days. Peptides and Vitamin A, C, E oil will be used post treatment during these days. By day 5 you should be back to normal and return to your daily skin regimin. Always wear Sunscreen containing zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.


Medical Skin Needling is suitable for most skin types unless you:

  • Have used Roacutane (Isotrentinoin) within the last 3 months.
  • Have open wounds, cuts or abrasions to the skin.
  • Have had radiation therapy within the last year.
  • Have a current outbreak of herpes simplex (cold sores) or any other skin infection or chronic condition on the treating area (active acne).
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • History of Keloid or hypertrophic scars or poor wound healing.
Pre-Post Treatment Advice

For the best possible results it is important to be using certain products and cosmetic rolling for at least 1-3 months before treatment. Follow directions for the 5-7 days post treatment and wear sunscreen (mineral based). Medical and Cosmetic rolling used in combination with tried and tested professional skincare products can have a significant effect on the appearance of the skin with minimal downtime and discomfort.



Acne Scars before any use of Environ products and Medical Needling treatments.

1st Treatment

One month of home products and Cosmetic Needling.

2nd Treatment

One month between treatments.
Went deeper on second treatment.
5-day recovery time but can resume normal activities after 24 hours.
Day 1- No activity.
Day 2-4 - Slight flaking and redness. May use Colorescience sunscreen or make- up to cover redness and for protection. Resume activity.
Day 5 - Skin is back to normal. Resume your home product regimen.
Post procedure photos coming soon.

Procedure of Medical Needling

Numbing 50 min.
Medical Needling varying depth penetration.
Penetration of peptides with Iontophoresis and Alginate mask. Imediate results after procedure.
Results 12 hours after procedure.
Results 24 hours after procedure.

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